Friday, September 16, 2011

Dry Your Tears, Afrika

7th/8th Grade Chorus: your homework is to listen at least once to both versions. Leave a comment explaining: which you prefer? Why?

Version 1:

Version 2:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

And a Marvelous, Mighty Monday Morning to All!

Greetings singers! Welcome back! I hope everyone's first week went well. My 2 music classes and 2 drama classes both seem pretty good, and all 3 choirs are ready to rock, I can just tell!

A gentle reminder to 6th grade singers to get their chorus forms signed, money in an envelope with your name on it, and see me to sing individually. Getting your form signed SHOULD involve:
-making sure your parents mark their calendars for our concerts and dress rehearsals
-a closet check for concert attire
-and a quick phone call to sign up for a Treble Singers audition if you're interested in that.

ALL singers who have not yet done so need to come see me 1st lunch or after school for a 2 minute singing check-in.

Exciting news- we have a new accompanist! You'll get to meet her starting Wednesday- keep an eye out!

See you soon,
Ms. A